The SSP is an innovative behavioural safety assessment tool designed to monitor and improve the safety performance of staff at all levels. Qualiseg, under the Eureka programme, has obtained funding approval to develop the SSP Project in Angola.

Project Duration
2 Maio de 2024 a 2 Dez de 2024

Project coordinator:
Project management page

The implementation of this project 
aims to contribute to


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pulvinar est vel odio finibus ultricies. Sed felis nulla, feugiat nec tortor eu, ullamcorper sollicitudin libero.


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SCOPE & deliverables


This project was developed by Qualiseg, with Hospitec - Tecnologia Hospitalar e Laboratory as a partner.

A rough estimate indicates that the costs of work accidents and occupational illnesses in Angola are around 3.8% of GDP, which is very high and constitutes the worst statistics in the world. Like other sectors, the Healthcare sector, in which HOSPITEC is included, has a poor Occupational Health and Safety scenario, and it is clear to relevant actors in the sector that it is necessary to implement a different approach to promote appropriate and safe behaviors.

Recognized by relevant actors in the security field as an innovative product that can change RSS statistics, the SSP is very well positioned to be the tool/solution to support Angolan companies, in general, to progress to a level of security excellence . This constitutes an opportunity to demonstrate and promote SSP on an international level.

Qualiseg was present at the International Health Business Fair, which took place between the 28th and 30th of November in Luanda.

Together with our local partner Hospitec-Angola, our  SSP- Safety Score Permit project was presented at the congress, which received a lot of interest from the audience.

