Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management (MarLEM) Project addresses the existence of gaps and needs for higher education supporting the proper development of maritime activities
with appropriate actions.

Project Duration
1 Nov 2019 - 30 Apr 2023

Project Coordinator:
Manuel Carrasqueira

SCOPE & deliverables

The Blue Economy has the potential to deliver growth and jobs in the coming years, but an adequate supply of blue skills is mandatory. As can be observed in the Commission's Annual Growth Survey, there is a growing skills gap affecting particular knowledge-intensive sectors, with particular relevance for:
  • Skills mismatch between labor market needs and the output of educational institutions;
  • A lack of communication and cooperation between education and industry to efficiently align supply and demand.


In reply to the Blue Economy Call from the European Commission`s Blue Careers program that aims to accelerate the implementation of the EU Maritime Policy and the sustainable development of the blue economy across Europe, arises MarLEM (Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management) a project to develop a Joint Master course in Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management which:

Aims to fill the existing gaps and needs of higher education;

Intents to progress beyond the state-of-the-art on the Maritime Education and Training.


  • Clarification of skills gap, and respective proper answer;
  • Entrepreneurial capacity and employability;
  • Transfer and exploitation of knowledge;
  • Communication, pooling/sharing of knowledge and new synergies between Industries, Universities, and Authorities at the EU level.


  • Reducing / eliminating the gap between skills;
  • Potential to be widely adopted by Maritime Universities in Europe;
  • Gives a better fulfillment of industry needs and will grant the availability of the “real maritime world” environment to the students.

Since there is in Europe 70 000 km of coastline and more than 1200 commercial seaports across 22 Member States, with growing movement of cargo and passengers, the interest on MarLEM and specifically on the replication of the Master Course and adapting the Industry/University collaboration platform models well the Knowledge Triangle Industry/University/Authorities shows great potential. We strongly believe in MarLEM’s trans-nationality and in its potential to be widely adopted by Maritime Universities in Europe.

Master in Maritime Logistics (MML)

The Master’s Degree in Maritime Logistics (MML) is an innovative international programme offered jointly by NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA SST) and the Portuguese Naval Academy. This master’s programme comprises multiple aspects of maritime logistics, operations and their supporting technology, trade law, port administration, maritime business analysis, as well as leadership and managerial skills.
Visit website

Atlantic knowledge triangle - AKT

Innovation in the conceptual and actionable knowledge management also emerges from MarLEM Project through the Atlantic Knowledge Triangle (AKT), which aims at becoming a recognized collaborative platform that promotes effective initiatives and opportunities for knowledge creation, exploitation and dissemination in the maritime-port domain.

By aggregating entities from academia, governance authorities and industry as vertexes, AKT aims to establish the bestframework for the development of skills, aligned and focused on the needs of the maritime-port sector in the Atlantic, and with subsequent expansion to the other EU maritime basins. To this end, it will promote, design and implement R&I, training, standardization, regulations improvement and other related initiatives, in order to provide adequate skills, thus contributing to strengthen the EU Maritime Capabilities.


