The Marine Pollution Control Simulator (MPCS) Project aims at developing a cloud-based tool easily reachable through different platforms (mobile, tablet, or laptop), that allows the providing of training, exercising, assessment, and performance evaluation of the marine pollution control, at different levels.

Project Duration
1 Mar 2022 - 29 Feb 2024

Project management page

The implementation of this project 
aims to contribute to


Minimize the vulnerabilities of the maritime-port domain, reducing the underlying risk to the main threats that impose on the port community and reinforce the security of its logistics chain;


Implement, regulate and certify international good practices in the field of maritime security, providing the national ports of international recognition increasingly determining for the sustainability of the business;


Ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, and technical requirements, fostering the capacity of Portuguese ports to operate under internationally required security conditions;


Focus on the implementation of the European Security Strategy and for the national integrated border management strategy.


The MPCS project cloud-based tool allows the provision of training, exercising, assessment, and performance evaluation of the marine pollution control, at different levels, namely:

  • Collective and Individual competence
  • Regional, National and Supranational levels
  • Small and large-scale scenarios.

Observing the state of the art, MPCS is an innovative tool considering the following aspects:

  • No similar tools in the marine pollution control or related area were found, so far;
  • MPCS is adjustable to individual or collective training and exercising, allowing the development of Collective Competence in a virtual environment; state of the art virtual simulation tools are focused in the individual competence development;
  • MPCS will allow the Response Capacity Assessment of the involved actors facing an incidentbased in the potential pollution scenarios.

Supported in Mathematical Models, Discrete-Events Simulation (DES) and Game-based Learning (GBL), MPCS adopts the game approach as a learning experience to allow the player to understand the subject matter within a real-world context.
This approach improves the interface, increases actors involvement, therefore constitutes a better tool for competences acquisition. Particularly, the Massive Multiplayer Gaming (MMG) technique allows the simultaneous involvement of several players located in different places, making possible to assess the performance of the team that is facing a specific scenario (i.e. oil spill) without employing physical means, needed on a real environment exercise.

We have a free course on combating pollution at sea, the aim of which is to disseminate the techniques, procedures and national legislation governing the fight. The course is currently available in Spanish, but will soon be available in Portuguese and English here.



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