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MML and AKT were presented in MarLEM Workshop at ONE Sustainable Ocean

MArLEM project presented the Master in Maritime Logistics (MML) & Atlantic Knowledge Triangle (AKT) during a Workshop held on 1 July at the One Sustainable Ocean event!

Partners took the opportunity to address the expected outcomes of this project. Moreover, industry was also present providing their perspective regarding the relevance of the MML.

Pedro Frazão, from Grupo Sousa, participated in this workshop and summarised the relevance of MML in these short lines:

Academic institutions involved (Nova SST+ Naval Academy) and benefits for participants| We are in good hands, and more than a chance is a need to have!

Regarding the global context | we are in the need to address shipping and logistics integration (+ last mile), the change of consumers profile (towards E-commerce), and the widening roles of the Executive Directors

Finally, focusing in Grupo Sousa | this is the opportunity to prepare for the future, engage Executive Directors (Management & Law background), provide engineering up-skilling and internship opportunities


