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MarLEM. 5th General Assembly meeting

MarLEM. 5th General Assembly meeting was held at 21 February 2022 (Virtual Session)

The agenda included the presentation of MarLEM state of play, including the Master program (Maritime Management & Logistics - MML) communication and dissemination, and the Atlantic Knowledge Triangle (AKT) opportunity for innovation in developing the AKT platform.

As a follow up, partners will focus future activities in the following areas:

  • Innovation and Quality Management - Innovation and Quality of the training, through close
    proximity to both Universities and the market.
  • Networking with other projects and initiatives - exchange of experience and good practices and to
    foster mutual learning and to enhance the European dimension of blue careers.
  • Identifying future skills gaps - systematic use of workshops, desk researches, brainstorming sessions
    and interviews of selected experts from the academia, industry and end-users.


