Doctor Augusto Carreira in mobility in Norway within the scope of the M4ML Project
From the 23rd to the 29th of April, Doctor Augusto Carreira traveled to Norway in an initiative promoted by the M4ML project (Mobility for Maritime Logistics), which is financed by EEA Grants Portugal within the scope of the Blue Growth Programme, whose main objective is to boost the sustainable growth of the Portuguese “blue economy”, adding more value to it, as well as promoting education, research and training in marine and maritime areas.
On his visit to Norway, Doctor Augusto Carreira was received by Professor Stein Ove Erikstad from the Department of Marine Technology at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), a partner of NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA SST) and of the Master’s in Maritime Logistics programme, and had the opportunity to fulfill the two main objectives of this mobility.
The first objective was to monitor and follow-up the activities that are being developed by the four students of the Integrated Master in Industrial Engineering and Management at NOVA SST, who are preparing their master's dissertations and were selected for the mobility of students to Norway, also under the M4ML project.
The second objective was to prepare content for the Master in Maritime Logistics, in particular the preparation of a Case Study in Shipping, within the scope of the curricular unit “Introduction to Maritime Logistics” of the Master’s in Maritime Logistics.