ISO 37001 - The Standard

ISO 37001 is an international standard developed to help organizations implement an Anti-Corruption Management System (AMS). This standard aims to prevent, detect and respond to possible cases of corruption, in line with global Good Practices in ethics and compliance.
If you want to implement ISO 37001, don't hesitate to contact Qualiseg - we are the right partner to help your organization. Qualiseg has worked on the standard, as well as on the ISO 37001 Handbook, which we will be communicating shortly.

Check the document for more information on the standard - ISO 37001

Internal Audit CM Águeda

Qualiseg is pleased to report that it has carried out an internal audit of Câmara Municipal de Águeda Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001:2022, with a view to continuing its certification.


The British Standards Institution (BSI) is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies standards certification services for businesses and personnel.

This BSI Flex gives recommendations for an organization intending to design and implement its transition to net zero through a clearly defined plan leading to GHG emissions reductions.
It covers how organizations:
• quantify their GHG baseline (emissions and removals)
• set targets for GHG emissions reductions
• identify those actions or measures necessary to achieve the NZTP; and
• create a realistic pathway to net zero.



Qualiseg was present at M4ML Project Roundtable on NEW SKILLS FOR MARITIME LOGISTICS. The event was held on 3 of November at the Port of Sines Administration premises in Sines. It was also an opportunity to disseminate the Master Maritime Logistic (MML) jointly promoted NOVA SST and Portuguese Naval Academy as part of MARLEM Project. The third phase of MML applications still open until 15th November.

The blue economy has enormous potential to generate growth and many new jobs in the coming years, but to do so, the training of human resources with key competences that allow them to gaining a competitive advantage in the face of today's challenges is key. In this sense, the MML is an innovative master's program in Portugal aimed to address these challenges.

M4ML project is funded by the EEA Grants under the Blue Growth Programme.

Through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway are partners, in the internal market, of the Member States of the European Union.

As a way of promoting a continuous and balanced strengthening of the economic and trade relations, the parties of the European Economic Area Agreement have established a Multiannual Financial Mechanism, known as the EEA Grants.

The EEA Grants aim to reduce the economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthen the bilateral relations between beneficiary and donor countries.

For the period 2014-2021, a total contribution of 2.8 thousand million euros has been agreed to 15 beneficiary countries. Portugal will benefit from an amount of 102.7 million euros.

Know more at