Visit our booth at Portugal Smart Cities Summit 2022!
Qualiseg, in partnership with Factor Social, Lda., we are present at Portugal Smart Cities Summit 2022
With our partnership, Factor Social and Qualiseg address the challenges and opportunities about the future of the organisation of Smart Cities, Portuguese and others, in a fully integrated way and pursuing excellence in its construction, as is evident in the way we develop and offer our services in the fields of certification, studies, consultancy and training.
We are looking forward to meeting you at our both!
ISPS Update Course (for PFSO and PSO) 21-22 September 2022
Please be informed that Qualiseg will hold an ISPS Update Course (duration 7 hours) for Port Facility Security Officers (PFSO) and Port Security Officers (PSO) on September 21 and 22.
The training will be held in the online mode, in the period from 09:00 to 12:30 hours
The price of this training action is 180 € (+VAT) per trainee.
To registering for this course, we thank you for completing the registration form available through the following link:
Please note that Qualiseg also plans to organize the following courses at a later date:
- Initial ISPS Training Course for PFSO and PSO (lasting 21 hours)
- ISPS Personnel Update Course with Specific Security Functions (4 hours)
- ISPS Awareness Course for Personnel Without Specific Security Functions (3 hours)
Qualiseg is a training entity for ISPS courses
Qualiseg is a training entity for ISPS courses recognized by DGRM / course offering
Qualiseg has the honor to announce that, within the general scope of recognition by the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Security and Maritime Services (DGRM), it has opened its offer of courses for Port Installation Officers (OPIP) initial (21 hours ) and update (7 hours).
Under the terms of the regulation in force, it is noted that the personal protection officers of the port facility (other OPIPs with specific functions of the port facility, elements of services and State bodies with powers in the field of protection in personal protection), in art. 4, of Decree-Law no. 226/2006, of 15 November, who provide services at the port facility, must know the functions, responsibilities and procedures they are responsible for carrying out, as described in the port facility protection plan and in other facilities designated by the concierge protection officer. The elements that provide services in the concierge, with specific protection functions, must have the necessary knowledge and skills to be installed as functions and tasks that are assigned to them. In order to ensure an effective application of the provisions of the Port Facility Security Plan (PPIP) Regulation and the established Part1 and paragraphs 18.2 of Annex II of (EC) n.725/204, of March 31, and of Part A of the Code ISPS, the OPIP must establish as non-training PPIP, which needs with specific protection functions that can prevent or receive before starting, function as functions, with the objectives that are the functions that are available committed in the PPIP.
Instaltech achieves ISO9001 Certification
Qualiseg congratulates Instaltech for obtaining the ISO9001 Certification and, as a provider of expert advisory services in support of organic preparation and action work, and monitoring of audits that have taken place, is proud of the collaborative work done.
School of Sea from Azores (EMA) achieves ISO9001
Another important step towards the quality of vocational training for the sea was made in Portugal, this time with the achievement, by the School of the Azores Sea (EMA), of the ISO9001 Certification. Qualiseg, as a provider of expert advisory services in support of organic preparation and action work, and monitoring of the audits that took place, is proud of the collaborative work carried out and congratulates the EMA for the important certification achieved, which is a milestone in order to offer the excellence of professional training for sea in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Today, on the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (or the National Day for Prevention and Safety at Work) we invite you to get to know the SSP – Safety Score Permit.
It is increasingly crucial to have robust OSH systems in companies, to protect work environments and safeguard the most obvious safety and health of workers. protect work environments and safeguard the safety and health of workers.
The SSP has proved to be a differentiated tool, focused on behavior, which is based on a points system that allows monitoring the individual and collective performance of workers, encouraging workers, and can also contribute to identifying the rights of OSH systems and , in this way, it will significantly reduce the severity of accidents and work-related health problems.
To learn more contact us
Vila do Bispo distinguished by WCCD with ISO 37120